cbse class 10 biology syllabus details here

How Many Chapters in Biology Class 10 in 2024?

In the ever-evolving field of education, it is crucial to stay current with the latest curriculum and syllabus information.

cbse class 10 biology syllabus details here

For students of Class 10 studying Biology under the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), having a comprehensive understanding of the number and content of chapters in their NCERT textbook is essential.

As we navigate towards 2024, this article aims to provide an expert analysis of how many chapters one can expect in the NCERT Biology Class 10 book, keeping in mind CBSE’s guidelines and potential changes that may occur.

By delving into this topic, we aim to equip students, parents, and educators with valuable insights to facilitate effective study planning and examination preparation.

How Many Chapters in Biology Class 10 in 2024?

The Biology NCERT Textbook for Class 10 has six chapters, although some people mistakenly believe there are only five chapters.

Class 10 Biology all chapter name
  1. Life processes
  2. Control and Coordination
  3. Reproduction
  4. Heredity and Evolution
  5. Our environment
  6. Management of natural resources.
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These six chapters cover essential biology-related topics, providing students with a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

1☞ Chapter 06 – Life processes

  • Living Being’.
  • The basic concept of nutrition.
  • Respiration.
  • Transport and excretion in plants and animals.

2☞ Chapter 07 – Control and Coordination

  • Control and coordination in animals and plants.
  • Tropic movements in plants.
  • Introduction of plant hormones.
  • Control and coordination in animals.
  • Nervous system.
  • Voluntary, involuntary and reflex action.
  • Chemical coordination: animal hormones.

3☞ Chapter 08 – Reproduction

  • Reproduction in animals and plants (asexual and sexual).
  • Reproductive health- need and methods of family planning.
  • Safe sex vs HIV/AIDS.
  • Childbearing and women’s health.

4☞ Chapter 09 – Heredity and Evolution

  • Heredity;
  • Mendel’s contribution- Laws for inheritance of traits
  • Sex determination.
  • Brief introduction & Basic concepts of evolution.

5☞ Chapter 15 – Our environment

  • EcosystemEcosystem, Environmental problems, Ozone depletion, waste production and their solutions.
  • Biodegradable and non-biodegradable substances.

6☞ Chapter 16 – Management of natural resources

  • Introduction
  • We need to manage our Resources
  • Forests and Wildlife
  • Water for all
  • Coal and Petroleum
  • Management of Natural Resources.

CBSE Class 10 Biology Syllabus

1) Life Processes: The first chapter delves into the fundamental processes crucial for living organisms’ survival. 

It covers topics such as nutrition, respiration, transportation, and excretion. Students learn how living organisms obtain and utilize energy to maintain life and sustain vital functions.

2) Control and Coordination: In the second chapter, students explore the intricacies of the nervous and endocrine systems. 

The nervous system plays a vital role in controlling and coordinating the functions of various organs and systems in the body. In contrast, the endocrine system utilizes hormones to regulate bodily processes.

3) Reproduction: The third chapter focuses on plant and animal reproduction processes. Students learn about sexual and asexual reproduction, the different reproductive structures and organs, and the significance of reproduction in maintaining species continuity.

4) Heredity and Evolution: As students progress to the fourth chapter, they delve into the fascinating world of heredity and evolution. 

This chapter covers the principles of heredity, explaining how traits are passed on from parents to offspring through genes. 

Additionally, it explores the concept of evolution and how species change over time due to natural selection and adaptation.

5) Our Environment: In the fifth chapter, the focus shifts to the environment and its influence on living organisms. Students explore the ecosystem, studying food chains and webs and the intricate relationships between organisms and their environment. 

They also gain an understanding of ecological balance and the impact of human activities on the environment.

6) Management of Natural Resources: The sixth and final chapter emphasizes the importance of conserving natural resources for sustainable development.

 Topics covered include the management of resources like forests, wildlife, water, and minerals. Students learn about responsible practices to preserve these resources, ensuring their availability for present and future generations.

It’s crucial to acknowledge that the correct number of chapters in the Biology textbook for Class 10 is six, as these chapters play a pivotal role in building a solid foundation of biological knowledge for students. 

Each chapter contributes valuable insights into the workings of living organisms, their environment, and the importance of responsible resource management. 

With this comprehensive understanding of biology, students are better equipped to appreciate the complexity and beauty of the natural world and its intricate processes.

How to Get full marks in Biology Class 10?

Achieving full marks in Biology Class 10 requires dedication, effective study strategies, and a thorough understanding of the subject matter. Here is a comprehensive master plan to help you excel in Biology and secure top scores:

1. **Know the Syllabus:** Start by familiarizing yourself with the Biology Class 10 syllabus. Understand the topics and chapters you need to cover throughout the academic year.

2. **Create a Study Schedule:** Develop a well-structured study schedule that allocates sufficient time for each chapter. Set aside regular study hours, and adhere to the schedule consistently.

3. **Quality Study Material:** Gather the recommended textbooks, study guides, and supplementary materials that cover the Class 10 Biology syllabus. Ensure they are reliable and comprehensive.

4. **Understand Concepts:** Biology involves understanding concepts rather than rote memorization. Focus on grasping the underlying principles and processes. Take the time to understand each topic thoroughly.

5. **Visual Aids and Diagrams:** Use visual aids, diagrams, and flowcharts to reinforce your understanding of complex concepts. The visual representation can help you remember information more effectively.

6. **Practice with Past Papers:** Obtain previous years’ question papers and practice answering them within the given time limit. Analyze your performance and identify areas where you need improvement.

7. **Take Notes:** Take clear and concise notes During lectures or while reading. Summarize key points and use bullet points to make studying more accessible and more organized.

8. **Create Flashcards:** Make flashcards for essential terms, definitions, and processes. Use these flashcards for quick revision and self-quizzing.

9. **Form Study Groups:** Collaborate with classmates to discuss topics, share insights, and clarify doubts. Teaching others can enhance your understanding of the subject.

10. **Seek Help When Needed:** If you encounter difficulties understanding specific topics, don’t hesitate to ask your teacher or peers for help. Clarifying doubts early on will prevent confusion later.

11. **Practice Diagram Drawing:** Biology often involves drawing diagrams, such as those of plant and animal structures. Practice sketching these diagrams to improve your presentation in exams.

12. **Revise Regularly:** Set aside time for regular revision. Frequent revision helps reinforce your memory and ensures you retain the information longer.

13. **Stay Healthy:** A healthy mind and body are essential for effective learning. Sleep well, eat nutritious meals, and engage in physical activities to stay energized and focused.

14. **Mock Tests:** Take full-length mock tests under exam-like conditions to simulate the actual test environment. This practice will help you manage time efficiently during the exam.

15. **Stay Positive:** Maintain a positive attitude towards your studies. Believe in your abilities and stay motivated throughout your preparation.

16. **Manage Exam Stress:** Develop relaxation techniques like meditation or deep breathing to manage exam stress. Avoid last-minute cramming, as it can lead to anxiety.

17. **Review Mistakes:** When you make mistakes in practice tests or mock exams, analyze them to understand your weak areas. Focus on improving those areas.

18. **Stay Updated:** Keep yourself updated with any changes or additions to the syllabus. Stay informed about recent developments in Biology through reputable sources.

19. **Practice Writing Concisely:** Practice answering questions in a clear and concise manner. Use appropriate scientific terms and write to the point to maximize your marks.

20. **Believe in Yourself:** Have confidence in your abilities. You can achieve full marks in Biology Class 10 with consistent effort and dedication.

Remember, getting full marks in Biology Class 10 requires consistent effort, but it is an attainable goal with the right approach and determination. Stay focused, organized, and positive throughout your preparation; success will follow. Good luck!

Conclusion Points 

In conclusion, according to CBSE, as of 2023-2024, the NCERT Biology textbook for Class 10 consists of 6 chapters.

These chapters cover various important topics such as life processes, reproduction, control and coordination, heredity and evolution, our environment, and management of natural resources.

It is essential for students to thoroughly understand these chapters as they form the foundation for higher-level biology studies.

By studying these chapters diligently and seeking clarification on doubts or concepts, students can excel in their examinations and develop a firm grasp of biological principles.

Let us embark on this journey of knowledge and exploration together!


Q1: How many chapters are there in Biology Class 10?

A1: There are typically 16 chapters in Biology for class 10.

Q2: What are the chapter names for class 10 Biology?

A2: The chapter names vary depending on the curriculum, but some common ones include Life Processes, Control and Coordination, Reproduction, Heredity and Evolution, Our Environment and Natural Resources.

Q3: Where can I find a list of all the chapters in class 10 Biology?

A3: You can find a comprehensive list of all the chapters in your Biology textbook or syllabus provided by your school or educational board.

Q4: What topics does the class 10 Biology syllabus cover?

A4: The class 10 Biology syllabus generally covers diverse topics like nutrition, respiration, transportation, excretion, reproduction, control and coordination, heredity, evolution, etc.

Q5: Is it necessary to study all the chapters of class 10 Biology?

A5: It is highly recommended to study all the chapters as they provide a holistic understanding of biological concepts required for further studies.

Q6: How many total chapters exist in class 10 Biology?

A6: In most cases, a total of 6 chapters need to be covered in class 10 Biology.

Q7: Can I skip any particular chapter while studying for my class 10 Biology exam?

A7: It is not advisable to skip any chapter as they are interconnected, and skipping one may lead to gaps in your knowledge base.

Q8: Are there any specific chapters that require more attention than others in class 10 Biology?

A8: Each student’s strengths and weaknesses may vary. However, topics such as life processes, reproduction, genetics, and evolution often require thorough understanding due to their significance.

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